The Deidré Wallace System

Blog 132. Business, Money And Your Career: Find Out Why Your Voice May Be Falling On Deaf Ears.

0 Posted by - June 4, 2020 - My Step-By-Step Relationship System, Uncategorized

Blog 132. Business, Money And Your Career:: Find Out Why Your Voice May Be Falling On Deaf Ears.

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Sadly, very few are aware that our voices epitomise who we are and indeed, many public speakers and sales people for example, are unaware that the message they wish to make, can and often is, contradicted by their voice or indeed, the distinct emotional quality within their voices.

In other words, many public speakers concentrate only on the subject matter or the delivery of the content – forgetting the importance of also working on what their voice may say emotionally.

This is usually because many are unaware that the voice symbolises our inner psyche and our emotional wellbeing – and that their voice could be undermining the message they wish to put forward, if that is, they have not sufficiently worked on themselves.

This is because the vibration of our voice is linked to our hearts, our emotions and our bodies. As a result, the voice carries a tone, a vibration, a sound, and a pitch, which resonates with and symbolises who we are. And it could and often does carry any trauma we may have endured.

In other words, you could be saying one thing, but if what you are saying is not backed up with who you truly are – then your words will fall on deaf ears.

So, if you are unable to carry the sentiment of what you are trying to say, within the vibration or sound of your voice – few will really believe that what you are saying has a value or a truth. And few will take notice of what you are trying to say. This is because they will sense the dissonance between your body and what you are trying to say, even though they may not be able to understand or put their fingers on the incongruity.

As a result, you may not understand why some are ignoring you or why you are unable to get your message across. Sadly, people may turn away and your message may get lost. And this is unfortunate, especially if your message has a value and ought to be heard.

Therefore, if you rely in any way on your voice, and most do, then I suggest you consult a voice therapist and possibly also a therapist or life coach. And if you are in a management or have a leadership position, then I would highly suggest you do this.

Also, if you are in politics then it is wise to also remember that the voice can carry our belief systems too. Saying one thing and doing another will get picked up even though people may not understand why. But they will pick up in the inconsistency and this may not help you, if you wish to convince people of certain issues.

Utilising our voices is of course true for most people and indeed, it can be invaluable when applying for work. During the application process you may be offered an interview. And how you speak, how you come across or what you may be saying via the timbre in your voice, may help you get the job and it could even advance your career.

I therefore urge you not to take this lightly.

The voice is a marvellous tool and if you can learn to use it wisely, it could benefit you enormously. And whilst learning about your voice you may learn more about yourself in the process – and this can only stand you in good stead in all the other areas of your life too.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ” We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed which is unsympathetic to us.”

The take away? Don’t ever allow your voice to let you down if you have something important to say or do.

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